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Texto - Sustentabilidade

We want to be the 1St Bank of all the Angolans, focusing on transformation, people and in the creation of economic and social value, through innovative and sustainable solutions.

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Texto - Sustentabilidade
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We want to be the 1st Bank of all the Angolans, focusing on transformation, people and in the creation of economic and social value, through innovative and sustainable solutions.

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Our focus areas

Navigate through each one of the areas to find more details and specific data

Our focus areas

Navigate through each one of the areas to find more details and specific data

Texto - Mensagem
Luís Roberto Gonçalves - CEO

We are excited to share our Sustainability Report, which marks an important milestone in our ESG journey. We are fully aware that We are laying the foundation of a long-term commitment that will start a process of mobilization of our Employees, our Clients and all our Stakeholders, which transcends time and space. We believe that our efforts today for a "More Prosperous Angola" are not limited to the present, but will certainly shape our future.

Luís Roberto Gonçalves | BFA’s CEO

Texto - Mensagem
Luís Roberto Gonçalves - CEO

Luís Roberto Gonçalves

We are excited to share our Sustainability Report, which marks an important milestone in our ESG journey. We are fully aware that we are laying the foundation of a long-term commitment that will start a process of mobilization of our Employees, our Clients and all our Stakeholders, which transcends time and space. We believe that our efforts today for a "More Prosperous Angola" are not limited to the present, but will certainly shape our future.

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Imagem de um rapaz

Financial Inclusion and Community Support

To be recognised as a household institution in supporting Angola’s sustainable development, with a particular focus on financial inclusion

Materiality topics:

Icon -Inclusão e literacia financeira

Financial Inclusion and Literacy

Icon -Promoção da multicanalidade e digitalização

Promotion of Multichannel and Digitalisation

Icon - Inovação tecnológica

Technological Innovation

Icon - Apoio à comunidade

Community Support

Some data:

Exposure on digital media

1900k users

reached in 2022

Social campaigns

Which have positively contributed to society, supporting initiatives with impact on disadvantaged communities in Angola.

BFA’s app and digital account opening

launched in 2022, the application focuses on improving the mobile services provided and has incorporated new features that have broadened the range of products and services available through this new app.

4 979

Education kits containing emergency supplies

3 000

Children admitted for treatment of severe acute malnutrition, of which 47.5% were successfully treated

Imagem de um rapaz

Financial Inclusion and Community Support

To be recognised as a household institution in supporting Angola’s sustainable development, with a particular focus on financial inclusion.

Materiality topics:

Icon -Inclusão e literacia financeira

Financial Inclusion and Literacy

Icon - Promoção da multicanalidade e digitalização

Promotion of Multichannel and Digitalisation

Icon - Inovação tecnológica

Technological Innovation

Icon - Apoio à comunidade

Community Support

Some data:

Exposure on digital media

1900k users

reached in 2022

Social campaigns

Which have positively contributed to society, supporting initiatives with impact on disadvantaged communities in Angola.

BFA’s app and digital account opening

launched in 2022, the application focuses on improving the mobile services provided and has incorporated new features that have broadened the range of products and services available through this new app.

4 979

Education kits containing emergency supplies

3 000

Children admitted for treatment of severe acute malnutrition, of which 47.5% were successfully treated

Graphic Element

Human Capital

Ensure the ongoing empowerment of human capital and foster diversity

Materiality topics:

Icon -Desenvolvimento, atracção e retenção de capital humano

Human Capital Empowerment, Attraction and Retention

Icon - Bem-estar, saúde e segurança dos Colaboradores

Team Members’ well-being, health and safety

Icon - Igualdade, diversidade e inclusão

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Texto - Mensagem

Some data:


Average number of training hours per Team Member


Team Members with performance assessment


female with Board Director and Executive Management functional positions


Periodic medical screenings

including prostate cancer screening - Blue November (an initiative previously undertaken by the Bank), breast cancer screening (Pink October), diabetes and hypertension

Graphic Element
Imagem de uma família

Human Capital

Ensure the ongoing empowerment of human capital and foster diversity

Materiality topics:

Icon - Desenvolvimento, atracção e retenção de capital humano

Human Capital Empowerment, Attraction and Retention

Icon - Bem-estar, saúde e segurança dos Colaboradores

Team Members’ well-being, health and safety

Icon - Igualdade, diversidade e inclusão

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Some data:


Average number of training hours per Team Member


Team Members with performance assessment


female with Board Director and Executive Management functional positions

Periodic medical screenings

including prostate cancer screening - Blue November (an initiative previously undertaken by the Bank), breast cancer screening (Pink October), diabetes and hypertension

Icon - Igualdade, diversidade e inclusão
Icon - Igualdade, diversidade e inclusão
Graphic Element

Sustainable Finance and ESG Risk Management

To be a trustworthy partner to all Customers in ESG-related criteria integration and to ensure the effective management of the associated risks within the Bank

Materiality topics:

Icon -Inclusão e literacia financeira

Effective corporate governance practices

Icon -Promoção da multicanalidade e digitalização

Integration of ESG Risk Factors into the Risk Management Framework

Icon - Inovação tecnológica

Development of Sustainable Products with Environmental and Social Value

Some data:


Expenditure share on local suppliers


Team Members trained in anti-bribery and corruption procedures and processes in 2022


Team Members to whom anti-bribery and corruption policies and procedures have been disclosed in 2022


BFA’s total products and services offering with social benefits

Graphic Element

Sustainable Finance and ESG Risk Management

To be a trustworthy partner to all Customers in ESG-related criteria integration and to ensure the effective management of the associated risks within the Bank

Materiality topics:

Icon - Desenvolvimento, atracção e retenção de capital humano

Effective corporate governance practices

Icon - Bem-estar, saúde e segurança dos Colaboradores

Integration of ESG Risk Factors into the Risk Management Framework

Icon - Igualdade, diversidade e inclusão

Development of Sustainable Products with Environmental and Social Value

Some data:


Expenditure share on local suppliers


Team Members trained in anti-bribery and corruption procedures and processes in 2022


Team Members to whom anti-bribery and corruption policies and procedures have been disclosed in 2022


BFA’s total products and services offering with social benefits

Graphic Element

Operational Eco-Efficiency

Enhance awareness of environmental matters in internal operations

Materiality topics:

Icon -Desenvolvimento, atracção e retenção de capital humano

Operational Eco-Efficiency

Some data:

Water Consumption



per Team Member

Energy Consumption



per Team Member

Emissions intensity



per Team Member

Texto - Mensagem

Operational Eco-Efficiency

Enhance awareness of environmental matters in internal operations

Materiality topics:

Icon - Desenvolvimento, atracção e retenção de capital humano

Operational Eco-Efficiency

Some data:

Water Consumption

46,7 m3 per Team Member

Energy Consumption

48 GJ per Team Member

Emissions intensity

3,7 tCO2e per Team Member

Icon - Igualdade, diversidade e inclusão
Icon - Igualdade, diversidade e inclusão
Imagem de um rapaz
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Materiality analysis

BFA considers the materiality analysis a strategic tool with implications beyond the sustainability reporting exercise, shedding light on the topics that should become a priority for the institution regarding sustainability.

The materiality analysis took into consideration the following steps:


Benchmark & Industry analysis


A broad array of initial and /or introductory material topics


The performance of a round of consultations with external and internal stakeholders


Final materiality framework

Graphic Element Matriz

Sustainable Finance and ESG Risk Management (1)

Sustainable Products with Environmental and Social Value (3)

Human Capital Empowerment, Attraction and Retention (4+5)

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (*)

Team Members’ well-being, health and safety (6)

Effective corporate governance practices (7)

Financial Inclusion and Literacy (13)

Technological Innovation (15)

Multichannel and Digitalisation (16)

Operational Eco-Efficiency (22)

* This topic was added later due to its importance for the bank’s strategy

Graphic Element

Materiality analysis

BFA considers the materiality analysis a strategic tool with implications beyond the sustainability reporting exercise, shedding light on the topics that should become a priority for the institution regarding sustainability.

The materiality analysis took into consideration the following steps:


Benchmark & Industry analysis


UA broad array of initial and /or introductory material topics


The performance of a round of consultations with external and internal stakeholders


Final materiality framework

Graphic Element Matriz

Click here to visualize the graph that compares priority topics in terms of impact for BFA’s business and importance for stakeholders.

Aimed at continuous improvement in its sustainability reporting, BFA invites its stakeholders to share their feedback through the following email:

Download report

Aimed at continuous improvement in its sustainability reporting, BFA invites its stakeholders to share their feedback through the following email:

Download report
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Graphic Element
Imagem de família


BFA recognizes that to be successful in its sustainability journey, it needs the engagement and participation of all stakeholders through active communication and dialogue. This communication is based on a narrative of “interconnected communities,” symbolized and illustrated through traditional and visual elements of Angolan culture (the sand drawings of the Quiocos and thesymbol of “tshota”). The presence of these elements in the sustainability journey aims not only to emphasize the importance of ancestral knowledge in this process but also to facilitate communication through family ties, which help convey new ideas.

Design and layout

In accordance with the corporate goals set by BFA, the Re-port and its publication have been tailored and developed to take into account sustainability practices in terms of design and communication, particularly with regard to the selection of colours, fonts and image formatting included, which allow for energy savings in the different formats made available.

Imagem de uma família


BFA recognizes that to be successful in its sustainability journey, it needs the engagement and participation of all stakeholders through active communication and dialogue. This communication is based on a narrative of “interconnected communities,” symbolized and illustrated through traditional and visual elements of Angolan culture (the sand drawings of the Quiocos and thesymbol of “tshota”). The presence of these elements in the sustainability journey aims not only to emphasize the importance of ancestral knowledge in this process but also to facilitate communication through family ties, which help convey new ideas.

Design and layout

In accordance with the corporate goals set by BFA, the Re-port and its publication have been tailored and developed to take into account sustainability practices in terms of design and communication, particularly with regard to the selection of colours, fonts and image formatting included, which allow for energy savings in the different formats made available.

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