Personal Loans

Personal Loans

Make dreams and personal projects come true.

Customized To Your Needs

Competitive Interest Rate

Monthly Fees


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Learn about the short-term loan designed with you in mind. Learn how to make all your dreams and personal goals come true.

Signing up

1º Visit your nearest Investiment Center and open a Cash Current Account
2º Simulate your Personal Loan here and decide how much you want to pay per month
3º Apply for a Personal Loan at your Investiment Centre
4º Submit the required documents to your Investiment Center


• A loan customized to your needs
• Competitive interest rates
• Equal monthly instalments
• Mortgage-free loan

Maximum financing amount

AOA 15.000.000

Loan period

6 to 36 months

Documents required

• Identification documents (ID Card and Taxpayer Identification Number) of the borrower and spouse
• Proof of marital property scheme, if applicable

Proof of earnings:

• Statements from employers, evidence of salary and/or proof of other income
• Submission of a commitment letter from Employers to deposit salary payments in a BFA account or, if not possible, a statement from the Client committing to transfer salary payments to BFA on a monthly basis
• Executed promissory note: by the borrower, spouse and guarantors, if applicable.


• Guarantor
• Life Insurance: can be contracted at BFA branches

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