Governing Bodies

Governing Bodies

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All BFA's governing bodies members possess the appropriate technical expertise, professional background and moral repute to carry out their professional functions, duties and obligations. Accordingly, they are bound by stringent confidentiality duties and subject to a set of rules drawn up to forestall conflicts of interest or misuse of privileged information, with a view to comply with the best corporate management practices.

The Shareholders’ General Meeting is the governing body comprising all the Bank’s shareholders, whose operation is regulated under the terms laid down in BFA’s Articles of Association.




The SHAREHOLDERS' GENERAL MEETING BOARD has the following composition:

Coutinho Nobre Miguel

Flávia Nahari Furtado Gomes

In accordance with BFA's articles of association and internal rulebook, the BOARD OF DIRECTORS (‘BOD’) is made up of an odd number of members (a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 15, as approved by resolution of the Shareholders' General Meeting), who are entrusted with electing its chairman and, at their discretion, one or more deputy chairmen.

The BOARD OF DIRECTORS (‘BOD’) has the following composition:

Maria do Carmo Bastos Corte Real Bernardo

Deputy Chairman
- Nominee to be appointed -

Non-Executive Directors
Divaldo Kienda Feijó Palhares
Jacinto Manuel Veloso
Filomeno da Costa Alegre Alves de Ceita
Laura Maria Pires Alcântara Monteiro (Independent)
Maria Amélia da Conceição Freitas Montenegro Duarte (Independent)
Rui Manuel de Sousa Malaquias (Independent)

Executive Directors
Luís Roberto Fernandes Gonçalves
Sebastião Machado Francisco Massango
Natacha Sofia da Silva Barradas
Paulo Lélis de Freitas Alves
José Alves do Nascimento
Francisca Ferrão Costa
Paulo Valódia de Carvalho Moreira da Silva

BFA's Board of Directors currently has 5 Support & Advisory Committees, which are required under regulatory provisions and financial institutions' best internal corporate governance practices, as laid down by the European Banking Authority (EBA) international standards, namely:

1. Risk Committee;
2. Audit and Internal Control Committee;
3. IT and Innovation Committee;
4. Governance, Nomination, Evaluation and Remuneration Committee;
5. Sustainability Committee.

The Bank's day-to-day management is carried out by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ('EXCO'), which, in accordance with BFA's articles of association and its particular rulebook, is made up of three, five or seven members appointed by the BOD, which is also entrusted with appointing its chairman from among its members.

At the present time, BFA's EXCO is made up of 7 Directors, as follows:

Luís Roberto Fernandes Gonçalves

Sebastião Machado Francisco Massango
Natacha Sofia da Silva Barradas
Paulo Lélis de Freitas Alves
José Alves do Nascimento
Francisca Ferrão Costa
Paulo Valódia de Carvalho Moreira da Silva

BFA's EXCO comprises thirteen (13) Support & Advisory Committees entrusted with analysing, ruling and monitoring the proposals particularities (i.e. specific issues, features and matters), and information relating to the Bank's business and risk management strategies, as follows:

BFA's organisational chart is underpinned by a functional framework, which enables an accurate breakdown of each department's business areas and functions under the purview, management and authority of each Executive Director.

1. The Internal Audit Department reports hierarchically to BFA's Chairwoman and reports functionally to the Board of Directors (‘BoD’) through the Audit and Internal Control Committee (Portuguese acronym: 'CACI').

The Supervisory Board's composition and operation is regulated by the provisions laid down in the Supervisory Board Charter and rulebook. According to these two regulatory documents, the Supervisory Board can be made up of a Chairperson and two Full Members, with one of the members being a chartered accountant.

BFA's Supervisory Board has the following composition:

Alcides Horácio Frederico Safeca

Deputy Chair
Adilson de Jesus Manuel Sequeira

Valdir de Jesus Lima Rodrigues
Henda Nzinga Câmara Pires Teixeira (Alternate)
Luzia de Castro Peres do Amaral (Alternate)

BFA's external audit is carried out by KPMG Angola, under the terms of the service provision rules laid down in BNA's Notice No. 09/21.
The Bank upholds and ensures that its external Auditor Firm (KPMG Angola) fulfils the applicable regulatory and professional requirements, and that its objectivity and independence is not compromised.

Accordingly, BFA has incorporated numerous mechanisms into its corporate governance practices and policies to safeguard the independence of the external audit firm's auditors.