04 November2:26 PM
For this edition, BFA aims to provide candidate organizations with training to improve the presentation of their applications and the ability to develop projects.
Training will be free of charge and focused on the BFA Solidarity Program, in particular as regards completing the Application Form, project planning and development, basics of legislation, seeking funding and the like as well as financial reporting. We want to reinforce project design concepts and draw applicants' attention to certain aspects that make a difference and enrich an application.
Up to 200 organizations can be enrolled in this first training event and each organization will be represented by only 1 person. Applications will be subject to admission, which will be made in order of receipt, taking into account the fulfillment of the selection criteria.
Selection Criteria:
You can apply for training:
Non-profit private institutions, based in Angola, developing, for a minimum of 3 years, activities and projects that promote the improvement of education, health and social and financial inclusion of children residing in Angola;Non-profit organizations, not properly formalized, but having (i) a recognizable organizational structure, (ii) developing regular and recognized activities for more than three years, (iii) legal conditions for the exercise of their activities;
May not apply for training:
Legal persons for profit purposes;
Legal persons or organizations not having their headquarters in Angola;
Public legal persons;
BFA employees or entities linked to BFA's governing bodies.
Applications for training will be open from 4 to 14 November, with training beginning on 18 November in Luanda, lasting 3 days. Applications will not be accepted after this period.
BFA invites all organizations wishing to apply for the BFA Solidarity Program, 2020 edition, to apply for training by sending their application by email to direccao.responsabiidade.social@bfa.ao.
Submetido com sucesso.
Foi enviado um código de confirmação para o seu email. Para concluir o processo deve guardar o código e dirigir-se a um balcão BFA.
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