10 September
Subscription period extension for the BFA Oportunidade IX Fund
06 September
Agriculture makes Angola grow.
BFA is your partner in the Agri-Livestock business.
01 September
BFA 2020 Annual Report and Accounts.
20 August
Talatona Business Center
18 August
Exemption from submission of documents
12 August
Super Savings BFA and DP BFA 13%
11 August
BFA is one of the official sponsors of the largest business fair in southern Angola, Expo Huíla N'Gola BFA 2021, which will take place between 11 and 15 August 2021, in Lubango, and counts with the participation of 280 exhibitors.
BFA recorded a profit of 90 billionkwanzas in 2020.
10 August
Securities Investment Fund.
05 August
Maturity of the BFA Private Fund
03 August
Update titles to be listed in August as a Preferred Treasury Bond Trader
Total of 197 news
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