17 November
Maturity BFA Opportunities V Fund
10 November
IATF- 2021 Intra-African Trade Fair, Durban
09 November
Dipanda Golf Championship
05 November
Update titles to be listed in November as a Preferred Treasury Bond Trader.
22 October
Signing of the contract for the 2021-22 season.
Duetos n`Avenida - Miguel Buila & Bambila
Luanda Oil & Gas and Renewable Energy Conference and Exhibition (LOG2021)
20 October
BFA sponsors the I Edition of the Angola 2021 HR Forum, whose motto will be "The New Era of People Management".
The classic of classics takes place later today between 1º D'Agosto and Atlético Petróleos de Luanda.
18 October
Mangais/BFA Order of Merit
15 October
The Golf Cup Unitel BFA
Total of 197 news
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