31 July
GDP fell 1.8% in 1Q and will register a severe recession in 2020
29 July
Changing the Table of Fees and Expenses
25 June
Change of daily BFA Net Enterprise limits
24 June
Production Support, Export Diversification and Import Replacement Program (PRODESI)
22 June
Verifed by visa authentication in Mwangolé Credit Cards (Gold and Classic)
17 June
Automatic Payment Means Sanitation
05 June
BFA joins the Social Support Fund in the Implementation of the Kwenda Program
03 June
Changing Hours of Operation
29 May
Banco de Fomento informs
22 May
BFA was constituted Preferential Treasury Securities Operator (OPTT)
30 April
Financial Statements 2019
28 April
Change Security Methods BFA Net and Net Enterprise.
Total of 185 news
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